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Our church history of nearly 100 years (1921-2021) makes us the second official Church of God in Christ in California.  In 1914, Bishop C. H. Mason appointed Bishop E. R. Driver Overseer of California.  Bishop Driver pastored Saints Home Church on East 20th Street (first established church with spirit-filled Saints, come from the Azusa Street Revival).  As membership growth took place, Bishop E. R. Driver sent one of his ministers, Elder L.C. Patrick to start a church in the Watts Community of Los Angeles.  This marked the beginning of our church history.

In the early years of the church, many National and State leaders worshiped and held meetings here.  Bishop C. H. Mason came (Founder of the Church of God in Christ), Bishop E. R. Driver, Mother Lizzie Woods Robinson, First General Mother of the Church of God in Christ.


Pastor L. C. Patrick, a carpenter, built the first church with help from brothers of the church and friends of the community.  It was painted green and was called the "Little Green" Church.  It was best known as the "114th Street Church."  Over a period of 96 years, a number of names have been added.  A summary of those names are:  The Little Green Church, 114th Street Church, Triedstone Church, Revival Center Triedstone Church and finally 114th Street – Revival Center Triedstone.




The church under the leadership of Elder L. C. Patrick grew rapidly. He related well with people.  Deacon George Smith became a member of the 114th Street Church when he was seven years of age.  His wife, Mary Hale Smith, daughter of Mother L. O. Hale were young people in the church during the time Elder Patrick was pastor.  Young George Smith stated that his family lived on 114th Street where Imperial Courts is today. His parents sent him (7 years old) and his younger brother (5 years old) to go to Sunday School at one of the churches.  When he and his young brother came to the corner of the 114th Street and South Wilmington Avenue, there was so much rejoicing and noise going on in the "Little Green Church," he and his younger brother decided to go inside.  They were treated with much love.  They were given little Sunday School cards.  They liked the church so well they came back the next Sunday.  They became members of the Sunday School.  Later their parents became members.  Mother L. O. Hale and her family became strong faithful members. 


Mother Hale's interest as a member continued after becoming State Supervisor of California with Bishop S. M. Crouch.  The church was an important center for meetings and visits from national leaders of the church.  Deacon George Smith gave the best approximate date for the beginning of the church as 1921.  The church has remained active and spiritually alive these ninety-six years.  The following shepherds have served the Church Family as pastors.


  1. Elder L. C. Patrick, First Pastor, became a Bishop; National Superintendent of the Sunday School.

  2. Bishop M. Crouch (1926); Bishop of California; Pioneer National Leader of the church; Pastor of the Emmanuel Church of God in Christ. 

  3. Elder Geary (late thirties and early forties); highly recognized as a strong pastor.

  4. Bishop Moses Davis (served as pastor during the late forties and fifties); great work as pastor; strong supporter for missions, Home & Foreign Mission.

  5. Bishop J. D. Smith and wife, Mother Rebecca Smith, an outstanding team for National Evangelism. They conducted great revivals over the nation. â€‹









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6.  Elder/Dr. Joseph W. Mayfield - Pastor Mayfield was appointed pastor in January 1972 by Bishop S. M. Crouch.  He and his wife, Sister Charlie M. Mayfield, were well received by the membership.  Pastor Mayfield had given faithful service for a number of years as State President of the Youth Department of First Jurisdiction of Southern California.  The physical plant was old at the time and in need of many repairs and improvements.  As the membership grew many improvements were made in the physical plant.  There was a growing need for a larger church building.  The leadership agreed to support the pastor in this step of faith.  Many gifts some large by friends and well-wishers.  The leaders and membership consistently supported the building program until the church was completed.  The Corner Stone was laid Sunday, Sunday, April 26, 1998.  Tuesday, February 26, 2008, marked the thirty-sixth (36th) year Dr. Mayfield served the Church Family as pastor. This was the longest period of service of any pastor who had served previously.

7. Elder Johnnie C. Smith was appointed pastor in September 2008 by Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake.  He and his wife, Evangelist Irma Smith served faithfully in many areas of the church.  He served as a deacon until he was called into the ministry as an ordained Elder in 1976.  He was appointed Assistant Pastor in 1979 by Pastor Mayfield and served joyfully by his side, loving and respecting him as a father.  Pastor Smith was known as a sound Bible Teacher, faithful Pastor and Superintendent, a compassionate, giving man, a man of prayer and wisdom, a sharp businessman who provided countless opportunities for young men in the community. â€‹

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8.  Elder Michael Jackson serves as the current pastor of  RCT and was installed in 2018. 

The 114th Street - Revival Center Triedstone Church of God in Christ is a Mother Church in many ways.  In the 96 years of its existence, many have gone from its rank to become pastors, evangelists and leaders in many areas of the ministry.


Revival Center Triedstone Church of God In Christ

11400 Wilmington Avenue

Los Angeles, CA  90059

323.566.3523     *


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